What does that mean? It means that you have to focus on your goals that you set at the beginning of this year. It means you have to let go of the fear that you will not accomplish them or fulfill your purpose. I am here to let you know that you will finish what you started. (insert unshameful plug of my podcast:; you should go listen) 

Busy work involves the things you do to avoid what you are supposed to be doing. Busy work involves letting other people volunteer you for things you don't want to do and because you are operating in your high functioning anxiety you do it anyway. Busy work is what you do when you have an idea but don't know how to make it come to pass. 

This is why I encourage you to shoot your shot. On purpose. Step into your destiny. No apologies required. I am going to drop my link below. You need to download the "Driven" document. You need to see the vision again. You need to write the vision again (Habakkuk 2). 

No more busy work. Work on purpose. Work for purpose. No more procrastination. No more feeding your fears. No more people pleasing. This is in family, friendships, relationships, and in ministry. is the link to download what you need. And if you are supposed to be writing your first book purchase the "Rhythm N Writing" download as well. 

I love you! I want the best for you. I want to see you win. I'm the coach for you. To book a coffee and coaching session click the services link. To book any other session please fill out the application by clicking in the services link. 

Until We Connect Again,

Coach Fredrika


Breath and Breakthrough


Courage and Strength